Hello world!

September 8, 2018
by Matteo Bertozzo

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[thinking aloud]

Hello, everybody… or – better yet – Hello, world! And welcome!
Finally, here we are: the idea of having a blog has been running through my mind for quite some time.

But first things first: who am I and what should you expect from these pages?
Well, I’m a web developer. I’m a music enthusiast. I’m a coffee lover. I’m an amateur photographer. I’m very curious. And many more things, but that will do. I’m planning to post articles about one big passion of mine (and fortunately job, too!), namely web development, programming and tech related stuff.

Like I said, I’ve been thinking about a blog for a while: why start writing it right now?
First of all, time: in the last few weeks I’ve had some free time to wrap up the layout and the functionalities for these pages, so that everything could work smoothly.
Second, the need for a notepad: what best place to track down how an issue got resolved, and keep the solution ready for the next time? Even better, this way I can share it with anyone on the internet!
Third, I’m always experimenting with some new stuff: tracking down what’s happening may help me keep everything under control!