Currently viewing → Category: thinking aloud

Gutenberg: a revolution is coming

What is Gutenberg? Gutenberg is a new editing experience coming to WordPress in the release 5.0, probably in a month or two. But, above all, Gutenberg is Javascript. More specifically, Gutenberg is (made with) React. And yes, this is why I wrote editing experience and not just editor: Gutenberg is a SPA (Single Page Application) inside WordPress, this means, […]

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Hello world!

Hello, everybody… or – better yet – Hello, world! And welcome!Finally, here we are: the idea of having a blog has been running through my mind for quite some time. But first things first: who am I and what should you expect from these pages?Well, I’m a web developer. I’m a music enthusiast. I’m a coffee lover. I’m an amateur […]

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